Department of physical principles for design of steels and alloys
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GAVRILJUK                        Valentin                      
Surname                            First name

Affiliation and official address:        
        Institute for Metal Physics
        36, Vernadsky Ave., Kiev 142, UA-03680, Ukraine
Phone: (work)+380 44 4243310, (home) +380 44 2683639
Fax: +380 44 4243310
E-mail: gavr@imp.kiev.ua

Date and place of birth:       04.01.1938, Zhitomir, Ukraine
Nationality:  Ukrainian
Education(degree, dates, universities):   
        1955-60          Kiev Technical University, Diploma Engineer, Physical Metallurgy
        1962-65          Postgraduateship, Institute for Metal Physics (IMP), Kiev,
                             Kandidat of sci., Metal Physics
        1986              Doctor of sci., Solid State Physics  

Career/Employment (employers, positions and dates)
         1960-62           Mechanical engineering factory, Minsk, Head of Technical Bureau in the heat
                                treatment department,
         1965-72           young scientific researcher, IMP
         1973-85           Senior scientific researcher, IMP
         1986-88           Leading scientific researcher, IMP
         1987-1989       Head of Laboratory, IMP
         Since 1989       Professor of solid state physics, IMP, head of department of physical principles
                               for design of steels and alloys.
Specialisation (specify):
(i)      main field:         electronic, crystalline structure and properties of Fe-based alloys
(ii)     other fields:       hydrogen in engineering materials, magnetic shape memory
(iii)    current research interests:
                                   correlation between electronic structure and short range atomic
                                   order; thermodynamic stability of solid solutions; mobility of
                                   dislocations and interphase boundaries.

Honours, Awards, Fellowships, Memberships of Professional Societies
        1993 - State Prize of Ukraine in the Field of Science
        1995 - Honoured Scientist of Ukraine
        2003 – Kurdyumov Prize of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
        2003 –  Doctor honoris causa of Helsinki University of Technology.
        2008 – Reward of journal “Steel Research International” for the best article in 2007
        2009 – Diploma of Ukrainian State Parlament “for great services to Ukrainian People”
        2010  - G.V. Kurdyumov medal “For achievements in the physical metal science”

Referee for journals: Scripta Materialia; Materials Science & Engineering A; Acta Materialia; Materials Transactions A; J. Phys. Chem. Solids; Materials and Chemistry Physics; Materials Letters; Computation Materials Science; Intern J Hydrogen Energy.
Member of Editorial Board: Metal Physics and Advanced Technologies, Kiev
Member of Scientific Councils: Institute for Metal Physics, Ukraine
Member of International Scientific Committee on the Problem: High Nitrogen Steels

-        Number of papers in refereed journals: 277
-        Number of communications to scientific meetings:
        International Conf. - 25, Union (NIS) Conf. - 33
-        Books:  5

GoogleSchollar profile: http://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=YHHR_0EAAAAJ&hl=ru
Scopus profile: http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=7006646735

ResearcherID:  http://www.researcherid.com/rid/E-6107-2016

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